Triumph Herald 1200 Supercharged Coupé, Triumph Herald 1500 Estate and a Triumph 2000 MkI Saloon
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Load Adjusters
A job I should have done a while ago, but have only just got round to, was ditching the shocking "Load Adjusters" on the back of the 2000. Any caravan-pulling 2000 owners want them (!) let me know before they go in the bin.
Hopefully the rear end will now settle down a little.
Suzuki blowing bubbles
I had an issue with the 2 stroke oil injection on the Suzuki where there
were intermittent bubbles inside the pipes on the left hand cylinder. There
FHC resto nr. 169; Gearbox extension take 2
One of the two jobs I unfortunately had to redo recently; cleaning the
gearbox extension. I put everything together after I cleaned the alloy part
in quest...
2019 MG-Sport "kort og godt"
Jeg startede året med at lægge en nyrenoveret motor i min Midget og
reparere en massse andre ting på bilen. Jeg valgte at montere en standard
Blogs relevant?
Nearly five years since my last Blog! Are they still relevant bearing in
mind the all the other options available?
Any how I just thought I would post this...
Just a quickie (oo-er!).
I've just taken a reading across the battery and it was 12.26 volts. The
only thing that's using power 24/7 is the clock so I've disconnected the
negative ...
2018 RBRR
Wow, that was a roller coaster!
It's RBRR entry season and once every 2 years Chinn Towers goes mental with
paperwork, except this time it didn't. It went...
Swedish adventures
Recently the Thompson family have relocated to Northern Sweden to help
manage an Australian companies interests in Sweden and Finland - we saw it
as a chan...
Been a long time, long time, its been a long time!
Jeez, two years since I last wrote anything on this Blog.
I do not know where to start, all the cars have enjoyed constant work and
use. So lets start on t...
Fixing front oil leak Connie
Attention has turned to another post RBRR issue...the timing cover oil seal
was leaking abit of the RBRR the cover came off and the seal is
fecked .....
An accumulation of things
Over time my TR7 DHC UNJ has been a pretty much OK kind of car, starts
well, drives OK and generally does what you want it to.
It's been round Europe and d...
Finishing off jobs for the RBRR
I have put a few hundred miles on the car this week, and no oil leaks
(can't be a Triumph then!)
I did notice some oil weeping from the sparkplug tubes, so...
August 2016 Cruise
Last week Father and I spent a week on the boat together, we left Welton
Hythe Marina around 1 pm Saturday, aiming to moor in Braunston by the
evening, I h...
Spitfire Successfully Recomissioned
Following on from my Christmas holiday post, I bolted up the diff and
refitted the GT6 spring, only to tidy up the garage at home a few weeks
later and fi...
Practical Classics Restorer of the Year 2016
So, Libby was in Practical Classics in the September 2016 issue. Great
article, brilliant photos. Front cover too!!
As part of being in the magazine, ...
Our Biggest Triumph Road Trip Ever
Every year, I try to do something different for Christmas. that way each
Christmas holiday is memorable and they don't all just turn into a big
blur. Last...
GT6 - Now sold
This car is now sold
The time has come for me to part ways with my GT6, so it is now up for
sale. The advert follows;
This vehicle was recently the subje...
What’s gone wrong with Trousers?
It’s been a while since the last blog update ..not because I haven’t had
plenty to comment on/be grumpy about… Christ we have had an Election and
several ...
New engine and Club Triumph National Day
MOE is doing ok the new engine is just run in, still a bit smokey on start
up, as the valve guides and head are fairly new I think a little carbon
build u...
New Gearbox & Overdrive
It's been a long while, so here's some more GT6 happenings !
My gearbox and overdrive were getting rather tired! So it was time to take
it out for a rebu...
The future's bright...
...the future's green.
Actually very green. My much-delayed "other" Spitfire finally made it back
from the paint shop last week and it's not just green but...
Time for a change.
With other work commitments taking priority, Rarebits will in future be
operating as an online business. We will be attending a handful...
A new bit of bling!
Decided to change the Mercedes header tank on the Stag for two reasons,
firstly it has developed a leak along one of its seams, and also because
I've alway...
For Sale (again x2)
Still for sale in Gatwick, although the price has been dopped by £500.
Might yet me tempted to buy it back myself....
*Triumph 2000 2.0 MANUAL OVERDRIVE 46...
Bye all.
Hey its Dave,
This part of my life is over.
....i earned my wings...
Tore up my license.
Im flying thesedays.
Hi to all the grounded ones.
Heh. Im happ...
Easy as 1-2-3?
I don't really add much to this blog anymore because BOB just gets driven
and every now and then the oil is changed, points reset and son on. But as
you ma...
Android application package file
Android application package file (APK) is the file format used to
distribute and install application software and middleware onto Google's
Android operatin...
Forrestburn Production Car Trial - March 2013
Back to trialling and autotests this year.
Great score with only 10 penalty points on the day but only enough for 3rd
in class.
Still the Spitfire held it...
Not Forgotten
Jeg er stadig levende. Triumpherne har der så bare ikk været så meget tid
til i denne sæson. Men forhåbenlig lidt mere næste år. Det sidste halvår
Megadeath plus heavy mods on GT6 bonnet
As the megajolt project was getting really close - everything was in place
and wired in. I turned the key, got the engine running fine in limp home
node. E...
Dashboard renovation
Not had much time to do any major jobs on the Stag recently and as it's
laid up until I get the brakes sorted I though I'd look for some smaller
jobs that ...
The Shark!
Sorry for the lack of Spitfire news recently - I've been working on 'The
Shark'! That's the nickname my girlfriend's gives my Mercedes Benz 300CE
24! I bou...
Look what I've found in the shed
It's a brand new engine for my GT6! This has been lying around in my
parents garage for too long. Last weekend it was time to release them from
the last b...
Overdrive Modification
As one or two of you may know I was having overdrive problems just before
the last 10CR and tried (unsuccessfully) to fix it at the time.
After the run ...
coming soon
It's been a while since I have updated this blog but winters here, my funds
have nearly dried up. so it's time to update this blog over the next few
weeks ...
So the car went through the MOT. I have now covered nearly 1800 miles
including making round trips from Southampton to Wales, Norwich and
Hertfordshire. Pa...
Updates and SU Spring Info
I have moved the reservoir to the firewall until the new header tank
arrives from Merlin Motorsport. Conversion looks much cleaner now and with
the new tan...
*Sinceramente non avevamo idea di cosa ci aspettava al SANREMO RALLY
STORICO. In origine avevamo programmato di partecipare al rally con la
Well the Herald has been on the road for some time now and the shakedown
tests all went very well with only a handful of jobs to put right - eg.
broken acc...
J'ai mis un peu de temps à récupérér après un week-end intense ! Le Mans
Classic est vraiment un événement fantastique et il est nécessaire de
féliciter Pa...
With all the new shiney bits, and new brakes.
Now looking forward to using it and doing the final touches before the
round Briati...
Finally Got around to finishng the cage
Decided to make the bars down to the front turrets removable - looked at
loads of routes through the bulk head
So ...
Marina's Gone...but...
Well, the Marina is gone and being driven daily. Yea!
However, the disposal of the 2000 Mk. I Sedan didn't work's
going to stay for a while....
Answering a few Questions
I've received an email from someone who is in the process of fitting a Zetec
engine into a Spitfire and he has asked me a few questions so I thought I
Top Hat Masters
Well, sure enough I did go to the Top Hat Masters series with a few friends
from uni, and we did go in the modern, but hey ho.
What started as a bright day ...
MOT passed
For the first time since I said I would do the track day I can exhale. By
some miracle the car is ready and has just passed the MOT, that’s 2 weeks
early. ...
I'm Broken
OK, it's a Pantera song, not a disco ditty from the 70's but you get the
Last Sunday, the neighbours dog escaped while they were out. While
New Brake Fitting
Brake stuff arrived yesterday, so decided to put it on today. Very easy
nice trade over, nipped up the bearing and new split pin whilst at it. I
love worki...
Wing Vents
Been thinking about fitting wing vents for some time to help improve the
cooling, couldn't really find something that looked right. Finally found
these, ba...
Sunday's progress
Right well we started work on the old lady yesterday. Removing the plugs
and cleaning them all which was definitely needed because they were all jet
Roof woes and TURBO power
Having read an article in PPC magazine, I have decided to pinch one young
chaps idea and "rear end turbo" the Triumph.
The basic idea with a rear end turbo...
This weekend I had the pleasure of going along to the Prescott Triumph hill
climb event.
What a weekend!!
I guess this could be considered our first offic...
Manifold for the dolly!
oops, despite bein totaly skint i couldnt help myself buying this! a nice
weber manifold for he sprint, i may or may not use it, im currently looking
at ge...
Here is my old faithful Jag, used as daily transport. I had an S type
before reverting to the XJ. I quite like the shape of the S type but was
rocker cover fasteners
I turned a couple of hand nuts for the rocker box on the spitfire during
the week. They replace the domed nuts that currently hold the cover on.
They are ...
Long time no reports.
Well it has been some time since I made a report on MLE 302D
(affectionately known as Emely.) The last report being in June 2007. Just
after she had passed...
Tim's Triumph Tales of Six Cylinder Heaven
Tadge embarassing- nearly a year since I published an entry for my Blog. No
point stating what I have been up to...
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